Who we are
In Australia, there are nearly 30 000 people with disability and complex needs living in shared support accommodation and residential aged facilities. Ozability Homes was established to provide quality housing solutions that ensured better quality of life, choice and control, and independence for people with disability and their families.
Ozability Homes works towards understanding every individual participants disability and complex needs to provide better housing solutions for their future. We work alongside the National Disability Insurance Scheme and NDIS providers to help create housing solutions that work best for people with disability in conjunction with Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) program. This can be building a brand new home or remodel a home that allows for people with disability or complex needs to live life the way they choose.
We also provide housing solutions for those seeking Short Term Accommodation (STA) and Medium Term Accommodation (MTA).
To make things easier we have information for people with disability, for families, for professionals, for hospitals and investors. Click on the buttons below for more information.