For Support Coordinators
Finding your client an SDA home can be challenging. We want to make this process easier for everyone involved. Ozability Homes is a registered housing provider and we can take you through the SDA process with your client.
We work with a range of service providers and professionals to ensure people with disability and complex needs are receiving the best support and accommodation.
Below is a few examples of eligibility and our referral process. Our referral process is broken down for you in 5 simple steps. If you have a client who is needing an SDA house they can call home please click on the ‘Apply Now’ button or if you would like further information or have any questions click on the ‘get in touch’ button. Alternatively you are more than welcome to call us directly on 02 4709 6733.
Who is eligible for Ozability Homes accommodation?
Ozability Homes is a trusted accommodation option and housing solution for participants who are:
• ready to leave hospital but waiting for a specialist disability accommodation vacancy or build to be completed.
• NDIS Participants in Residential Aged Care wishing to leave
• are seeking transitional accommodation between SDA & other accommodation options
• are seeking for respite and/or short term accommodation to give themselves or their carer, guardian and/or parents a break

Complete our referral form and a Ozabilty Homes Specialist will contact you to discuss requirements and eligibility.