Are You Eligible for SDA?
The rollout of the NDIS scheme for many people can be a daunting process and can often at times bring uncertainty. Especially with the process and rollout of SDA, many have found that trying to determine if they or their family member is eligible for SDA can be difficult.
Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) is a costly support that is provided to only a small number of participants. As the criteria is so rigorously checked, Participants are so often overlooked for a support they’re eligible for.
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What is SDA?
SDA is a type of housing that is designed to provide specialist accommodation for people with high support needs. SDA funding is available through the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) according to an individual’s NDIS plan.
This NDIS SDA eligibility checker will assist you in understanding if you’re eligible for funding. If you’d like to know more about SDA, read more about what is Specialist Disability Accommodation.
What is an NDIS SDA Eligibility Assessment Checklist?
This NDIS SDA Eligibility Assessment Checklist is a flowchart of all the considerations that the NDIA will take into account when assessing if a person is eligible for SDA funding.
To be considered for SDA, a participant must provide evidence to support ALL the criteria along one of the pathways in this flowchart.
Who is eligible for SDA funding?
To be eligible for NDIS accommodation, you must be aged under 65 years and have a significant and permanent disability that:
– Affects your ability to take part in everyday activities
– Requires you to have substantial support needs.
Additionally, you must meet the SDA funding rules set out by the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA).
Who should use the NDIS SDA eligibility checklist?
The SDA Eligibility Checklist is intended for people with disability or complex needs seeking housing through the NDIS. It is also a useful tool for their supporters, such as family members, carers, or support coordinators, who want to explore the possibility of accessing SDA funding.
What is the eligibility criteria for SDA funding?
The eligibility criteria for SDA funding is set by the NDIA and will consider various factors such as the nature of the individual’s disability including if they have an extreme functional impairment or very high support needs.
Depending on the application, they will assess whether the applicant is eligible for SDA funding, as well as the level of housing they will fund (robust, high physical support, fully accessible, improved liveability).