Medium Term Accommodation
Medium Term Accommodation (MTA)
Ozability Homes is a trusted provider with National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) for Short Term (STA) and Medium Term Accommodation (MTA) across Australia. We work closely with referrers, participants, carers and families to provide accommodation that meets every participant’s individual needs.
MTA is available to participants who require longer term transitional accommodation before moving into a more permanent home or arrangement (for example, after hospital discharge). Typically, MTA would be used for periods up to 90 days. Participants who stay in MTA are responsible for meeting their own food and everyday living costs from their own income rather than NDIS plan.
While the process of booking Ozability Homes accommodation varies considerably from one participant to the next, the following five steps provide a general guide to the process involved. The complexity of the referral will impact the process and length.
Our experienced team work closely with the referral team to achieve the best outcome for participants and their goals.
For all MTA bookings, simply fill out our 2 minute MTA referral on the link and we will be in touch.


Complete our referral form and a Ozabilty Homes Specialist will contact you to discuss requirements and eligibility.