Specialist Disability Accommodation

What is Specialist Disability
Accommodation (SDA)?

Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) refers to accommodation that may be funded under the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) for eligible participants who have an extreme functional impairment or very high supports needs. Put simply, SDA is the design and development of a participant’s physical environment i.e. a home, that can meet their needs and the delivery of support that caters for their needs. SDA does not include the support services associated with a participant, but instead the homes in which they are delivered.
NDIS sought to create an objective to ensure that all persons with disability have the same rights as any other member of Australian society. Specialist Disability Accommodation funding was established support persons with disability that will enhance independence, social participation and exercise control and choice in matters that affect their life i.e. the house in which they reside.

To find out if you’re eligible for SDA, you can fillout our eligiblity form to access our SDA Checklist. All information provided on this checklist is from NDIS.

Ozability Homes can build any home under the SDA Design Standard requirements to cater to the specific needs of Participants

Improved Liveability

Housing that has been designed to improve ‘liveability’ by incorporating a reasonable level of physical access and enhanced provision for people with sensory, intellectual or cognitive impairment

Fully Accessible

Housing that has been designed to incorporate a high level of physical access provision for people with significant physical impairment.


Housing that has been designed to incorporate a reasonable level of physical access provision and be very resilient, reducing the likelihood of reactive maintenance and reducing the risk to the participant and the community.

High Physical Support

Housing that has been designed to incorporate a high level of physical access provision for people with significant physical impairment and requiring very high levels of support.
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